Monday, April 21, 2014

Episodes 7: Made for Work: Recovering the Work Ethic in South Sudan


  I am very thankful for the countries that sheltered South Sudanese refugees during the decades of civil war. Countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Israel, & the US gave safety to millions during times of persecution & armed conflict. Some lived in exile for 20 years & unfortunately, this brought some negative effects & mindsets that are being dealt with today. 

      Humanitarian organizations & the UN would send food & various supplies to refugee camps in Uganda & Kenya that were needed! However, as the people had no space to grow their own food & work, they were continually receiving things, until handouts were just expected. There was no need to work & so a passivity set in with the attitude, "Why try to better our own condition, if everything will just be given to us?" When William asked for volunteers to go & re-settle South Sudan in 2004 the response was, "I won't go until the UN brings a truck to my door & drives me there!"  William responded, "You escaped during the war, the UN didn't bring you out."  In addition, the lack of activity & cramped living quarters in the refuge camps perpetuated the habit of alcoholism & just plain idleness. Unfortunately, US Government Aid & the UN has also brought in godless agendas, such as gender & sex education, abortion, etc.

       I might have mentioned that South Sudan is a very fertile & fruitful land, with the capability to grow from carrots to coconuts & everything in between. After the 2005 ceasefire agreement the people began to come back to their native country. After a couple years of resettling, villages were still hungry & there was a lack of food. Operation Nehemiah has diagnosed this problem, in many cases, as a laziness & unwillingness to work. We are trying to instruct the people that waiting for food delivery trucks will only lead to want, while working the land beneath them will provide for their families. 

"For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. Now those who are such we command & exhort thru our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness & eat their own bread." 2 Thess. 3:10-12

     In the village of Borongole, I myself have seen a turning towards the Godly ethic of hard work. When William Levi was ordained as overseer of the Beth Israel Church, the whole village was in busy preparation weeks beforehand. When grass needed to be slashed or dirt moved, you would see children, young people, & adults side by side with tools in hand. On Saturdays, the young men of the village would eagerly spend the whole day planting & hoeing out in the Farmland & I had the privilege to work alongside them. The desire of Operation Nehemiah is to see the South Sudanese people pursuing self sustainability, only dependent on the Lord God. Slowly, that is beginning to happen in our little corner of Eastern Equatorial State, South Sudan.

    I would appreciate your prayers for the special project I had mentioned before, as God has given us another step towards self sustainability in Borongole itself. We are purchasing an Industrial Brick making machine to be run by the men of our village. Not only will this machine provide bricks for personal building needs, but be sold to the surrounding communities & be a regular source of income that is raised in South Sudan! The funds could be provied in a month or two, for the purchasing of the machine. As soon as this happens, I will be flying over for three months duration. Robert Kirkman (Hannah Levi's dad, & head of the medical missions of Operation Nehemiah) along with myself will work with the brick making crew to get this initiative off the ground. I will be a foremen, having the opportunity to work alongside the men & once again live among the people there. This trip could be as soon as August or September, all in the Lord's timing.  I am very excited and blessed by this coming opportunity!  Please pray for: 

~God's perfect timing for our trip and provision for all the extra expenses of travel and extended living there. 

~For a unity among us on the ground, as we work for the Glory of God in all we do.

~Wisdom as I prepare for an opportunity to love and minister to the people God has set before me.

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