Saturday, December 28, 2019

Thankfulness for the birth of our Savior and an Immigration Milestone!

Ingoni (Hello)!

  Praying that you all had a joy-filled Christmas. We are blessed for the opportunity to focus on Christ's birth in this season. I also hope you had a blessed thanksgiving! We certainly had and have a lot to thank God for!

Patience at "Night at Bethlehem" with "Mary" and "Baby Jesus"

A lot of happenings here in our life and I wanted to give an update and share a praise report Below!

      Our little mighty man, Benaiah, is growing faster than a cheetah can run a 100 meters! He is 12 pounds 15 ounces and growing out of all his newborn clothes. He really is a sweet little guy and very contented. Besides getting the cough and cold that has been cycling through our family, he has been very healthy and we are all mostly recovered. Patience is getting more talkative every day and loves her little brother, (sometimes a little to enthusiastically). She loves helping Mama in the kitchen, shovelling snow around the house where we are staying, and going running with Baba (Dad in Madi).
A dapper little gentleman.

"Your not taking my picture, are you?"

"I love Benaiah a LOT!!" -Patience

    ~ Joyce and I have hearts full of gratitude as we announce that Joyce is now a permanent resident of the United States and has been issued her 10 year Green Card! ~
       The way that God got us to the appointment despite many obstacles (Sick kids, a detached front bumper, little sleep, etc.) was amazing. We were thankful for my mother being able to accompany us and help with the children. 
       What was even more amazing was the peace that Joyce had in going into her interview when we both were anxious about the outcome. The immigration officer only asked Joyce to come into the interview and after 10 minutes she was back out and approved! The inch-thick stack of additional paper documentation we brought was not even looked at! To celebrate we went to our favorite east African Restaurant in Waltham. (Highly recommend the "Taste of Karibu" to those in Eastern MA who would like to enjoy some authentic Chipaati and East African sauces!)
    The door is now opened for Joyce to begin filing for her American Citizenship in March of 2020 and it is very possible that she could be a USA citizen by the late fall or sooner! We are excited at the prospect of going back to Africa next fall and Joyce is excited about missing next year's winter!

Picnic in the hotel, the night before the immigration interview.

Coming out after a permanent residence granted!

  We want to also thank those who were so generous in the fundraiser started on our behalf in October. The result was that we were able to completely pay off the remaining tuition cost of the Sonship discipleship course we started last year. We had taken a break during chaotic circumstances of our lives this past summer, but are resuming and asking for God's grace to have the  needed time through this winter to study.

South Sudan and Uganda have been receiving excessive rains that have continued two months longer then normal. This has caused a lot of problems with storing crops for the coming dry season and many of their harvested stable crops have rotted because of excess moisture. Many families, including Joyce's parents in the refugee camps, have lost their entire sesame harvest(A staple protein that is added to many of their sauces), among other crops. Pray for God's help and provision for these coming months of drought and no rain that will not end until March.

The Lueken Family together on Christmas day
Brothers and Sisters out for a walk.... and Patience 

Please pray for:

-Us, that God would make this winter a time for us to be grounded in God's Word and as a family. We hope for some times of productive study in God's word and through our Sonship course in these coming months. We need the Lord to build us up as a family, that He will use our weakness and His strength for His Glory, here and in Africa.

-God's provision and timing for housing that would allow us to continue save for a return to Africa and also be our own space. We are very thankful for where we are now and for the dear friends who are now family, and know this is where the Lord has us for the winter.

-Blessings on the preparations and study Joyce needs to make this winter in filing for her US citizenship in March and taking her civics test in summer or fall of 2020. Also the provision of the fee that the whole process entails.

-Increased Monthly support  for us as we look forward to a trip to Africa next year and hoping to help Joyce's family as God provides. We pray that God would not only provide for Joyce's family in their physical needs and the ability to return to South Sudan, but revive and wash them in the Gospel of Grace which will transform their lives.

-The people of South Sudan, those within the country and without, that they would see God's Faithfulness in their lives and be drawn to their Savior and to the Gospel, especially in this season of focusing on Christ's birth.

-An extra measure of Grace for the many families in Uganda and South Sudan who lost needed crops in the unseasonably excessive rains this year.

Patience and Uncle Josh

We cannot thank you enough for your continued prayer and support. Our prayer for you is that Jesus would bless you with more of Himself! Christ the savior was born, died, and rose again on our behalf, the ultimate Christmas gift!

Merry Christmas!

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken
With Patience and Benaiah! 

Phone #: 774-203-8308

Three ways to conitnue to financially support us

 Mail checks payable to Jonathan and Joyce Lueken   
PO Box 1611 Stockbridge, MA, 01262

Temporary Go Fund Me link for those who don't have PayPal:

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken 
Roger and Pattty Lueken
PO Box 1611, 16 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA, 01262

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A long overdue update, a Due date, and a Birth!

It has been a long while and the adventure of our lives continues! It's been quite a busy time and I admit that I have not had time to catch my breath and sit down to write a blog post. Joyce and I are still in search of housing, but very thankful for friends-become-family that have opened their home to us and have become unofficially adopted grandparents for Patience.

Patience playing with some Animal Friends

On another adventure!

Starting in November, For anyone in the New England or NY/PA area, we are looking for opportunities to travel on the weekends to share about the calling God is leading us into as He prepares us to return to Africa. I would be available to come share and preach on request at your church, small group, or in your home. Please let us know if you are interested!

    We had to put the house search on a temporary hold to focus on getting ready for the birth of our second child. The due date of October 11th was rapidly approaching and we rushed to get everything in order. Considering Patience's birth (@ 41 weeks and 43 hour labor) we expected Joyce to be a little late with this child and the labor to be gradual and slow, but that was not the case!
   I got home late on Friday finding Joyce had mild contractions since 5pm that were fairly consistent. Needless to say, I packed my hospital bags (Joyce had hers packed) before trying to get some rest, while recording contraction through the night. Early AM, I called our midwife to come help Joyce labor. I told her that there was plenty time for her to come out and didn't think we needed to head to the hospital yet. Boy, was I wrong!
    Shortly after I hung up the phone with our midwife, Joyce began to have jackhammer contractions at 3 minutes apart and her water broke! It was time to call for an ambulance, which arrived to transport us with a paramedic escort, lights and sirens.
      Our midwife met us at the hospital and within 20 minutes our baby boy arrived! Joyce pushed the baby out like a navy seal pushes out push ups! I was able to catch the baby (I didn't drop him!) and I cut the cord. Joyce did have to get some stitches for a minor tear, and all seemed well, but then there were unforeseen complications for Joyce & we spent 5 days in the hospital. Perhaps God knew that we needed the quiet & the rest. We were the only patients in the maternity ward for the first 3 days and the nursing staff were very attentive.

Our Little man!
Born with a head of hair like Patience

I am happy to announce the arrival of Benaiah Anjovule Albert Lueken at 7lbs, 1 oz. and 19 in. @ 6:27 AM on October 12th.

-Benaiah means "the Lord builds" and was one of David's Mighty men. Read of what God made this once outcast and rebel to become and do in 2 Samuel 23:20-23 , and 1 Chronicles 11:22-25.

-Anjovule is the Madi word for "Joy comes after" and is in honor of Joyce's brother, Lodu "Reggae" Kenyi, who passed away Oct. 3, 2018, after a severe and longstanding illness. We miss you, Lodu!

-Albert is to honor Joyce's father, Benaiah and Patience's Grandfather in Africa.

~If friends and family in the area would like to come see Joyce and the baby please call us or send an email and we will give you our temporary address and arrange a time that would be good for a visit~

Patience meets her brother.

I Love Mama!

     Joyce and I would like to publicly praise and thank God for His hand of protection over Joyce and Benaiah. Our little boy has a head of black hair and is a vigorous sucker of anything placed in his mouth. Patience was very excited to meet her little brother and wanted to "pick Benaiah up", but we decided, after watching her drop her baby doll on its head, that we would wait awhile on that.

    We also want to thank those who God used to help us in this journey. Sushilla has been such a supportive midwife and great blessing to us. She has poured all she knows into Joyce, since she knows Joyce wants to be a midwife. Our dear friends Brian and Lucy, whom we live with,  have helped us so much with Patience and been a great support to Joyce when I have been away from the house and during the early AM labor. Mom and Dad continue to be wonderful grandparents and loving parents to both of us, helping wherever they can. The EMT's and Paramedics of Otis ambulance and Southern Berkshire ambulance did their jobs well and gave me confidence that if the baby came while on the road, he would have a warm delivery place. The Doctors, Midwives, nurses and staff of Fairview Hospital have been wonderfully caring and providing all our needs while we have been here.
God is good and truly gently leads those who have young (Isaiah 40:11).

Baba (Madi for Dad) after receiving Benaiah.

Da'da(Grandma) and  Benaiah

A'bi(Grandpa) and Patience saying Hello!

Please continue to pray for us:

-A complete recovery of Joyce strength and healing for the stitches and her whole body as she struggles with anemia & post delivery complications. Also for Benaiah to stay healthy and well, even with Patience and I fighting colds.

-God's timing, guidance, and provision for housing and a place of our own that He has for us.

-The time and ability to resume and finish the Sonship course, an in-depth study of God's Word, that is pivotal for preparing us for future ministry to Africa as we really want to put sufficient time into our studies to get full steeped in the Gospel. We are a quarter of the way through the course and have paid part of the tuition. We are asking God to help Joyce and I balance taking care of the physical needs of our family with the spiritual growth we desire in our relationship with the Lord and any future ministry He has for us.

-Continue to pray for Joyce's family that they would all be drawn to the love of Jesus and a close relationship with Him.

-The provision and timing for our desire to take a trip to Africa next year, once Benaiah is older, to visit Joyce's family and our dear friends in Uganda and S. Sudan.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support which is greatly appreciated! We will keep you posted as the adventure continues!

God bless you all!
(Rubanga koco tutu anya ru ga!)

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken
With Patience and Benaiah! 
Phone #: 774-203-8308

Three ways to conitnue to financially support us

 Mail checks payable to Jonathan and Joyce Lueken   
PO Box 1611 Stockbridge, MA, 01262

Temporary Go Fund Me link for those who dont have PayPal:

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken 
Roger and Pattty Lueken
PO Box 1611, 16 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA, 01262

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Excitement Never ends and a Special Announcement!

    I apologize for the radio silence on the blog/update front. Perhaps some have wondered what has happened to Jon and Joyce any ways? I assure you that we are live and kicking, only there has been a LOT going on which has had us quite preoccupied. Among the busyness of life we have been experiencing, there is a special announcement which I will be sharing below, saving the BEST for last!

Patience wants you to know something!

God has been directing us to get out this summer and share about some of the hopes, prayers, and desire we have for going back to Africa. In the next couple months, we are specifically looking for contacts locally in the Northeast(MA, NH, RI, CT, VT, NY, PA, and ME). If you have a Church, small group, or if you would want us to share with friends in your home, we would love to come! Even if we have visited before, it would be great to reconnect and catch up. Please contact us if you have any interest.

   We have been quite busy on several fronts:

By God's Grace, on May 16th we were able to send in Joyce application for getting her 10 year Green Card. We had gotten word on the 10th of June that  our file was sent back due to one missing page that was overlooked in stuffing the envelope. The immigration non-profit that is assisting us sent it back out priority. We were praying that the application would be received even though Joyce's current Green card expired on June 6th.
    Praise God for receiving her legal travel document on my birthday (June 20th)! This will open the possibility of us making a trip to Africa from July to August! God's will be done.

    June 6th also marked the two year anniversary of Joyce's arrival into the USA. Now Patience is about to reach her second birthday in less than a month (July 8th)! Where has the time gone?

Weeding before we plant Asobi (Black-eyed Peas) and Mula (Okra) in the old goat pen.

   Joyce and I have been aware that the room we have been renting was going to be occupied the month of July for Airbnb guests and had planned on living in another part of the farm house.

    Due to unexpected circumstances we had to leave the room we have been renting last week and will not be able to stay on the same property in Stockbridge, so once again Joyce and I (Just us, not my parents) are in need of housing. Since then we have had several housing offers, but most out-of-state and are asking for the Lord to direct us. God has provided us a place to stay whenever we are in Eastern MA, but we are hoping to stay in the Berkshires, as we have a very supportive home church and a lot of connections. However, we are willing to go and stay wherever the Lord would direct us.

    Currently we are temporarily staying in one of the rooms that will be airbnb rental this summer, just long enough for us to pack the rest of our things and find another place to live. Greatly appreciate you prayers at this time.

My parents are still at the same address & can receive our mail, as our address has NOT changed at this time

Memorial Day on Mount Greylock

Now for the BIG News! If you looked at our family picture at the top of this post, you can count ... 1... 2... 3.... and 4????!! Many have heard the news via word of mouth, but this is the official announcement!

    You heard it correctly, Patience's new sibling is on the way with a due date of October 14th! We are very excited and Joyce is already 23 weeks pregnant. More than half way there and we are asking the Lord to direct us and provide for a landing for this new blessing. God showed Joseph and Mary a place for His Son to be born, and we know He will do the same for us. I wouldn't mind if Joyce's place of delivery is discovered a little earlier then Mary and Joseph discovered the stable, but every detail is in God's hand.

    There is so much going on right now that we    are in need of and so thankful for your prayers. I am asking the Lord to help me be better about giving regular updates and keep you abreast of what is going on in the African Lueken's lives.

Reunion with my brother from another mother, after 10 years!

Please Pray for:

-With so much that we are waiting on and processing through right now, Joyce and I are overwhelmed and are really struggling. The last few weeks have been especially challenging and we are crying out for an extra measure of God's grace.

-A place that we can call home in the USA and if God wills, in the Berkshires. This is our third unanticipated move in two years and and has been very hard on Joyce. My desire is for Joyce to have a quiet place that we can call home and she can show the hospitality that she is so good at. We hope to have a home base where we can study, rest from, and travel out of.

-God's hand of health on Joyce and the new baby that is growing inside her! For Joyce that she would have the rest and nutrients her body needs through the stress and rest of the pregnancy. Wisdom for where we should have the baby (home, hospital, etc.) and provision and being directed by the Lord to the right midwife. We miss our dear Shivani, who was such a blessed help for the coming of Patience!

-Preparations and provision for a trip to Africa this summer.  We are asking for God's confirming this is His plan. There are MANY details that would need to fall into place. We need a passport and a travel vaccine for Patience, clothes/miscellaneous supplies for travel, various travel expenses while in Africa, and airfare.

-Our Sonship course as we are five sessions into the course and continuing, though we are taking a few weeks off (It is self-paced) to seek the Lord in this time of major transition. We are learning a lot and hope to really focus on the remaining lessons, once we ride through some of the current waves of adventure that are before us. God has provided for almost half the tuition cost and praying, believing He will provide the remainder.

-Continued direction for Who God would have us be connected to when we go back to minister in Africa and the type of work that He wants us to focus on. 
  We continue to lift up Joyce's family in the refugee camps and pray for God's transformation in their lives and our hope that they will be able to return to South Sudan soon. We are asking God
for how He would enable us to go over, as it is in our heart to reach out and help.

-The Gospel taking heart in the people of South Sudan and their leaders. Prince of Peace come!

God bless you all!
(Rubanga koco tutu anya ru ga!)

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken
With Patience  
Phone #: 774-203-8308

Three ways to conitnue to financially support us

 Mail checks payable to Jonathan and Joyce Lueken   
PO Box 1611 Stockbridge, MA, 01262

Temporary Go Fund Me link for those who dont have PayPal:

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken 
Roger and Pattty Lueken
PO Box 1611, 16 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA, 01262


Saturday, March 30, 2019

Our Sonship Journey

     As Spring in New England is here, Joyce and I are wanting to begin travelling again to share about the how the Lord is beginning to direct us.

We would love to come share at any churches or small groups, locally in New England & beyond! Please let us know if you have any interest, so
we could see how we could come your way this spring and early summer.

Ready for prayer and fellowship at church

   Joyce and I have finished our first two lessons of the mentored Sonship course through Serge.
   We have been blessed and also challenged to honestly look at ourselves. I have seen how prone I am to act like a spiritual "orphan" before God, forgetting the overwhelming love that God has for me, the very reason He sent His Son to this earth! This is one lesson among many that we are learning about ourselves and about the grace of Jesus Christ.
     We are looking forward to the work that God will do in our hearts through this period of spiritual discipleship over the next eight months & beyond.

  Lift us up in your prayers, as we are in the middle of processing Immigration papers to get the two year condition removed from Joyce's Green card and be granted permanent residency. This will pave the way for citizenship in a few years and for the three of us to go back to Africa to visit Joyce's family in South Sudan and Uganda this summer. We are asking God for His timing and provision for the desire of our hearts: that Joyce's family can meet Patience and we can return to Africa for the first time in two years!

Ready to run a St. Patrick's Day Road race

Auntie Emma and Anna joined Patience & Joyce in cheering for Ian and I
at a very cold St. Patrick's Day 10K.

 We have been very busy with various studies and trying to  get outside when the weather is warm enough for Joyce. The highlights of March have been: anticipating the growing season, enjoying a St. Patrick's Day Road race in Holyoke, and having a wonderful and refreshing time with dear friends in Vermont.

Sharing a meal with dear friends!

Dad's "big" catch

Early Morning Snowshoeing Adventure

Patience's favorite books are lion & horse books
& she got to see horses up close 

    Patience is growing at a rapid rate, along with her vocabulary and song repertoire. She dances continually and loves to watch the birds  at the feeders outside our kitchen. "Mama Cardinal flew away?", she often asks. Her little voice is often heard singing at high volumes: "Strongr than dahkness, New ma-ma-morn" (His mercy is More) and "Dibby dibby Dum!" (If I were a Rich Man). She is a joy every day and often makes me crack a smile when I begin to get down.


~The spiritual work to be done in our hearts as we learn more about the love, grace, and mercy of God through the Gospel during our mentorship program.  Lately I have been really struggling and clinging to the Lord. I, personally, have had my eyes opened to false beliefs I held  about the Gospel and I'm realizing my own utter weakness apart from Christ's intervention.

~God's provision for the tuition cost needed for our Sonship course. We hope to put a small initial payment in April and trust God will provide for the rest in the coming months.

~God's favor as we submit Joyce's immigration paper work this week, to remove the two year condition on her Green Card in order to get permanent residency.

~Increased monthly support to prepare us for a return to Africa in Summe or Fall 2019 and to meet our continued monthly expenses here in the US.

~God's direction and guidance for our long term vision to live and work in Africa.

~Joyce's Family and the other South Sudanese refugees, that they might return to their homes soon and that stability would come, not through looking to political figures and negotiations, but through the peace breathing truths of the Gospel transforming people's hearts and lives.

~God's healing and wisdom as my Dad & now myself (Jonathan) are dealing with some chronic sleep issues that have been quite debilitating with my busy schedule.  Also, energy and continued stamina for Joyce as she goes about the daily tasks of cooking and chasing little miss Patience around.

Practicing her music skills

God bless you all!
(Rubanga koco tutu anya ru ga!)

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken
With Patience
Phone #: 774-203-8308

Three ways to conitnue to financially support us

 Mail checks payable to Jonathan and Joyce Lueken   
PO Box 1611 Stockbridge, MA, 01262

Temporary Go Fund Me link for those who dont have PayPal:

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken 
Roger and Pattty Lueken
PO Box 1611, 16 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA, 01262

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Worn - A song that can be prayed for ourselves and others

 I reheard this song a few weeks ago and it got my attention. Has anyone felt like this?

Tenth Avenue North
I'm tired
I'm worn
My heart is heavy
From the work it takes to keep on breathing
I've made mistakes
I've let my hope fail
My soul feels crushed
By the weight of this world
And I know that you can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
'Cause I'm worn
I know I need
To lift my eyes up
But I'm too weak
Life just won't let up
And I know that You can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Cause I'm worn
And my prayers are wearing thin
I'm worn even before the day begins
I'm worn I've lost my will to fight
I'm worn so heaven so come and flood my eyes
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Yes all that's dead inside will be reborn
Though I'm worn
Yeah I'm worn

Monday, January 28, 2019

A needed reminder of the Gospel from the Heidelberg Catechism

Our church just covered question #60 in the Heidelberg Catechism and it really struck a note in my heart. As one who habitually is trying to earn God's favor by my own efforts, I really need to recite this to myself on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. I hope it is encouragement to you all as it was for us.

Question #60: How are you right with God? 

Even though my conscience accuses me 
of having grievously sinned against all God's commandments
and of never having kept any of them,
and even though I am still inclined toward all evil,
nevertheless, without my deserving it at all,
out of sheer grace,
God grants and credits to me
the perfect satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness of Christ,
as if I had never sinned nor been a sinner,
as if I had been as perfectly obedient
as Christ was obedient for me.

Rubanga koco(KO-CHOH) tutu anya ru ga! (God bless you!)

Jonathan and Joyce

Saturday, January 12, 2019

A New Direction, Same Heartbeat and Calling

Greetings from the Berkshires!

    In previous posts, I mentioned that Joyce and I are in the middle of some major transitions.
I want to take time to share an important update as God is in the middle of leading us.

Announcement of God directing us on from Operation Nehemiah Missions International

       I have been blessed to serve in South Sudan since March 2013. Joyce and I have worked together since January 2016 and had the privilege to serve with Operation Nehemiah Missions for the last five years. I have learned so much through the dear brothers and sisters in the ministry, as well as the various aspects of the ministry we both had opportunity to be involved in. I want to thank everyone in Operation Nehemiah, who have really become our family on so many levels, and will continue to be by God's Grace!

Praying for continued unity in the gospel with our dear brothers and sisters in the Lord
(South Sudan, July 2016)

 Though, we will not be serving under the leadership of Operation Nehemiah at this time. Joyce and I still feel a very strong, long term call to South Sudan, as God is leading us on from Operation Nehemiah to the next avenue of service.

We feel an urgency to be more fully trained/equipped to fully present the Gospel, which we realize more and more is the greatest need in East Africa. Therefore, we need to get some additional discipleship and training to disciple others that we are not currently receiving and God is calling us to "pull up our tent pegs" ministry wise and follow where He will lead.

    Even though we don't know exactly what area of South Sudan we will serve in or who we may be serving with right now, God has given us a directive and calling that is not dependent on a particular country in Africa. If you get a chance, please read our personal mission statement which is posted below and also on the side bar of the blog. >>>>>>>>

      My parents are still our USA support team. We will continue to work together and they will be instrumental in managing affairs for us here, especially when we are in Africa.

   You might be asking, "where are Jonathan and Joyce headed from here?", which is a very good question! The short answer is: We don't know exactly, but God does! Abraham was called to leave all he had known for a foreign land with no known destination and God was faithful to lead him. (Genesis 12:1) We are currently searching out some opportunities for service in East Africa and specifically South Sudan with a plan to return to Africa this fall..
Blessed to be together!

Gospel and Discipleship Training Opportunity for Joyce and I

The next step that we are prayerfully considering is an 9-12 month, one-on-one  discipleship program that Joyce & I both desire to participate in. It is called "Mentored Sonship" offered through Serge, a missionary organization started by "Jack" C. Miller.
 It's basic purpose is renewal in the Gospel and how to change head knowledge into a heart warming, life transforming application in our daily lives.
       This is something that both Joyce and I desperately need, as God has been showing me lately how my heart doesn't believe God loves me and I am still trying to daily earn His acceptance, when I already have it through Jesus Christ birth, life, death, and resurrection!
     The lessons are done from home with video meetings with a personal mentor to discuss the lessons and go over assignments. It is a very affordable, self-paced course. We will soon apply as God provides & we are asking Him to open this door in His timing and wisdom. If you have questions about any details on the cost or any other aspects of the training, please shoot me an email or give a call!

Princess Vegetable scooping some power packed nutrition out of a large bowl!
Support Information, and Thanks

   Your support is really crucial at this time, since we have not been able to raise support since spring 2018. We will be looking travel to share with others in 2019 and are asking God to open doors for us. Please let us know if you would like us to come share at your church, small group, or your home!

 As we are not connected to a non-profit at this particular time, we cannot give tax receipts for near future financial support until we have found another sending organization. 

For those who want to financially support us without a tax receipts in this interim time, 
Checks can be sent payable to Jonathan Lueken at our New Address 
PO BOX 1611 Stockbridge, MA 01262 
or  via Paypal through my personal email: 
Another option for those who do not have PayPal is a temporary GoFund Me link: 
 until we are connected with a non-profit missionary sending organization

PO Box 1611, 16 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA 01262

PLEASE NOTE: As of February 1st, we will no longer be receiving funds through the Operation Nehemiah website or the "onlighthouse" paypal account(

Patience carrying "Baby!"

    On behalf of both the African Luekens and "A'bi and "Da'da"(Grandpa and Grandma in Ma'di) Lueken, Joyce and I are so thankful for your prayers and support.  We are in the middle of another great adventure and get to explore another path on God's Trail. As my chaplain from ALERT(Christian Disaster Relief Training I completed in 2010) always used to say, "Remember!..... The excitement never ends!!"  Note prayer requests below...

South Sudan with the Mountains of Uganda in the background(taken in 2016)

Prayer Requests

Please pray for :

-Specific guidance and confirmation from the Lord for our next steps. We know that the Gospel needs to be our primary focus. We also hope to serve in the mercy ministries of Public Health education (Educating in Nutrition, Sanitation, and Health Prevention) and Joyce wants to help other women through getting trained in midwifery

-God's provision for increased support for our daily living & training expenses here in the USA. We are trusting in God taking care of us through this time of transition as we face the everyday, as well as  unexpected needs. We also hope to continue to be a blessing to Joyce's family in Africa as God provides the means to do so.

-Pray for my parents as they work alongside us in support and in prayer, that God would provide for their needs, as well.

-The ability, time, and resources for Joyce and me to enroll in the"Mentored Sonship" discipleship program.

-Our hope to return to South Sudan in Summer/fall 2019, after Joyce's Green card renewal is in process and we have a more clear directive for the work we will be doing,

-Continued pouring out of God's Grace and Love on Joyce's family, that they may be drawn closer to the Lord and each other, and be able to return to their homes in S. Sudan with the mercy of Jesus flowing from their hearts.

-Finally that the Prince of Peace would invade the hearts of all South Sudanese and bring true peace to that country.

Final Greetings

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Berkshires! Patience has been continually singing "Bah Rum PUM PUM PUM (Little Drummer Boy is her current favorite song) . Joyce and I had a wonderful two days out in Eastern Massachusetts with my whole family. Special highlight was seeing my sister and brother who I had missed very much. We also enjoyed welcoming the new year with dear friends and family.

Enjoying Christmas with Family! (Mom is Behind the camera
& Patience asleep... can you pick her out?)

     My New Year prayer for the African Lueken Clan and extended to all of you: That this year would give us a greater understanding of God's great love for us in our hearts and that heart knowledge would transform our lives. Praying that through God's Spirit, we could consider others better than ourselves, walking in Christ's Power that is working in us. (Phillipians 2:1-8). Thank you for the gift that each of you have been to us!

Patience says "Thank You!" with her crinkled face.

God bless you with His Love in this new year and as always,
Rubanga Kolu anyito(God be with you)!

~Jonathan and Joyce Lueken 
Phone #: 774-203-8308

Three ways to conitnue to financially support us

 Mail checks payable to Jonathan and Joyce Lueken   
PO Box 1611 Stockbridge, MA, 01262

Temporary Go Fund Me link for those who dont have PayPal:

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken 
Roger and Pattty Lueken
PO Box 1611, 16 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA, 01262

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