Saturday, March 30, 2019

Our Sonship Journey

     As Spring in New England is here, Joyce and I are wanting to begin travelling again to share about the how the Lord is beginning to direct us.

We would love to come share at any churches or small groups, locally in New England & beyond! Please let us know if you have any interest, so
we could see how we could come your way this spring and early summer.

Ready for prayer and fellowship at church

   Joyce and I have finished our first two lessons of the mentored Sonship course through Serge.
   We have been blessed and also challenged to honestly look at ourselves. I have seen how prone I am to act like a spiritual "orphan" before God, forgetting the overwhelming love that God has for me, the very reason He sent His Son to this earth! This is one lesson among many that we are learning about ourselves and about the grace of Jesus Christ.
     We are looking forward to the work that God will do in our hearts through this period of spiritual discipleship over the next eight months & beyond.

  Lift us up in your prayers, as we are in the middle of processing Immigration papers to get the two year condition removed from Joyce's Green card and be granted permanent residency. This will pave the way for citizenship in a few years and for the three of us to go back to Africa to visit Joyce's family in South Sudan and Uganda this summer. We are asking God for His timing and provision for the desire of our hearts: that Joyce's family can meet Patience and we can return to Africa for the first time in two years!

Ready to run a St. Patrick's Day Road race

Auntie Emma and Anna joined Patience & Joyce in cheering for Ian and I
at a very cold St. Patrick's Day 10K.

 We have been very busy with various studies and trying to  get outside when the weather is warm enough for Joyce. The highlights of March have been: anticipating the growing season, enjoying a St. Patrick's Day Road race in Holyoke, and having a wonderful and refreshing time with dear friends in Vermont.

Sharing a meal with dear friends!

Dad's "big" catch

Early Morning Snowshoeing Adventure

Patience's favorite books are lion & horse books
& she got to see horses up close 

    Patience is growing at a rapid rate, along with her vocabulary and song repertoire. She dances continually and loves to watch the birds  at the feeders outside our kitchen. "Mama Cardinal flew away?", she often asks. Her little voice is often heard singing at high volumes: "Strongr than dahkness, New ma-ma-morn" (His mercy is More) and "Dibby dibby Dum!" (If I were a Rich Man). She is a joy every day and often makes me crack a smile when I begin to get down.


~The spiritual work to be done in our hearts as we learn more about the love, grace, and mercy of God through the Gospel during our mentorship program.  Lately I have been really struggling and clinging to the Lord. I, personally, have had my eyes opened to false beliefs I held  about the Gospel and I'm realizing my own utter weakness apart from Christ's intervention.

~God's provision for the tuition cost needed for our Sonship course. We hope to put a small initial payment in April and trust God will provide for the rest in the coming months.

~God's favor as we submit Joyce's immigration paper work this week, to remove the two year condition on her Green Card in order to get permanent residency.

~Increased monthly support to prepare us for a return to Africa in Summe or Fall 2019 and to meet our continued monthly expenses here in the US.

~God's direction and guidance for our long term vision to live and work in Africa.

~Joyce's Family and the other South Sudanese refugees, that they might return to their homes soon and that stability would come, not through looking to political figures and negotiations, but through the peace breathing truths of the Gospel transforming people's hearts and lives.

~God's healing and wisdom as my Dad & now myself (Jonathan) are dealing with some chronic sleep issues that have been quite debilitating with my busy schedule.  Also, energy and continued stamina for Joyce as she goes about the daily tasks of cooking and chasing little miss Patience around.

Practicing her music skills

God bless you all!
(Rubanga koco tutu anya ru ga!)

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken
With Patience
Phone #: 774-203-8308

Three ways to conitnue to financially support us

 Mail checks payable to Jonathan and Joyce Lueken   
PO Box 1611 Stockbridge, MA, 01262

Temporary Go Fund Me link for those who dont have PayPal:

Jonathan and Joyce Lueken 
Roger and Pattty Lueken
PO Box 1611, 16 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA, 01262

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