Greetings from the Berkshires! |
In previous posts, I mentioned that Joyce and I are in the middle of some major transitions.
I want to take time to share an important update as God is in the middle of leading us.
Announcement of God directing us on from Operation Nehemiah Missions International
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Praying for continued unity in the gospel with our dear brothers and sisters in the Lord (South Sudan, July 2016) |
Though, we will not be serving under the leadership of Operation Nehemiah at this time. Joyce and I still feel a very strong, long term call to South Sudan, as God is leading us on from Operation Nehemiah to the next avenue of service.
We feel an urgency to be more fully trained/equipped to fully present the Gospel, which we realize more and more is the greatest need in East Africa. Therefore, we need to get some additional discipleship and training to disciple others that we are not currently receiving and God is calling us to "pull up our tent pegs" ministry wise and follow where He will lead.
Even though we don't know exactly what area of South Sudan we will serve in or who we may be serving with right now, God has given us a directive and calling that is not dependent on a particular country in Africa. If you get a chance, please read our personal mission statement which is posted below and also on the side bar of the blog. >>>>>>>>
You might be asking, "where are Jonathan and Joyce headed from here?", which is a very good question! The short answer is: We don't know exactly, but God does! Abraham was called to leave all he had known for a foreign land with no known destination and God was faithful to lead him. (Genesis 12:1) We are currently searching out some opportunities for service in East Africa and specifically South Sudan with a plan to return to Africa this fall..
Blessed to be together! |
Gospel and Discipleship Training Opportunity for Joyce and I
The next step that we are prayerfully considering is an 9-12 month, one-on-one discipleship program that Joyce & I both desire to participate in. It is called "Mentored Sonship" offered through Serge, a missionary organization started by "Jack" C. Miller.
It's basic purpose is renewal in the Gospel and how to change head knowledge into a heart warming, life transforming application in our daily lives.
This is something that both Joyce and I desperately need, as God has been showing me lately how my heart doesn't believe God loves me and I am still trying to daily earn His acceptance, when I already have it through Jesus Christ birth, life, death, and resurrection!
The lessons are done from home with video meetings with a personal mentor to discuss the lessons and go over assignments. It is a very affordable, self-paced course. We will soon apply as God provides & we are asking Him to open this door in His timing and wisdom. If you have questions about any details on the cost or any other aspects of the training, please shoot me an email or give a call!
Princess Vegetable scooping some power packed nutrition out of a large bowl! |
Support Information, and Thanks
Your support is really crucial at this time, since we have not been able to raise support since spring 2018. We will be looking travel to share with others in 2019 and are asking God to open doors for us. Please let us know if you would like us to come share at your church, small group, or your home!
As we are not connected to a non-profit at this particular time, we cannot give tax receipts for near future financial support until we have found another sending organization.
For those who want to financially support us without a tax receipts in this interim time,
Checks can be sent payable to Jonathan Lueken at our New Address
PO BOX 1611 Stockbridge, MA 01262
or via Paypal through my personal email:
Another option for those who do not have PayPal is a temporary GoFund Me link: joyce-lueken-in-s-sudan
until we are connected with a non-profit missionary sending organization
until we are connected with a non-profit missionary sending organization
PO Box 1611, 16 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA 01262
PLEASE NOTE: As of February 1st, we will no longer be receiving funds through the Operation Nehemiah website or the "onlighthouse" paypal account(
Patience carrying "Baby!" |
On behalf of both the African Luekens and "A'bi and "Da'da"(Grandpa and Grandma in Ma'di) Lueken, Joyce and I are so thankful for your prayers and support. We are in the middle of another great adventure and get to explore another path on God's Trail. As my chaplain from ALERT(Christian Disaster Relief Training I completed in 2010) always used to say, "Remember!..... The excitement never ends!!" Note prayer requests below...
South Sudan with the Mountains of Uganda in the background(taken in 2016) |
Prayer Requests
Please pray for :
-Specific guidance and confirmation from the Lord for our next steps. We know that the Gospel needs to be our primary focus. We also hope to serve in the mercy ministries of Public Health education (Educating in Nutrition, Sanitation, and Health Prevention) and Joyce wants to help other women through getting trained in midwifery.
-God's provision for increased support for our daily living & training expenses here in the USA. We are trusting in God taking care of us through this time of transition as we face the everyday, as well as unexpected needs. We also hope to continue to be a blessing to Joyce's family in Africa as God provides the means to do so.
-Pray for my parents as they work alongside us in support and in prayer, that God would provide for their needs, as well.
-The ability, time, and resources for Joyce and me to enroll in the"Mentored Sonship" discipleship program.
-Our hope to return to South Sudan in Summer/fall 2019, after Joyce's Green card renewal is in process and we have a more clear directive for the work we will be doing,
-Continued pouring out of God's Grace and Love on Joyce's family, that they may be drawn closer to the Lord and each other, and be able to return to their homes in S. Sudan with the mercy of Jesus flowing from their hearts.
-Finally that the Prince of Peace would invade the hearts of all South Sudanese and bring true peace to that country.
Final Greetings
My New Year prayer for the African Lueken Clan and extended to all of you: That this year would give us a greater understanding of God's great love for us in our hearts and that heart knowledge would transform our lives. Praying that through God's Spirit, we could consider others better than ourselves, walking in Christ's Power that is working in us. (Phillipians 2:1-8). Thank you for the gift that each of you have been to us!
Final Greetings
Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Berkshires! Patience has been continually singing "Bah Rum PUM PUM PUM (Little Drummer Boy is her current favorite song) . Joyce and I had a wonderful two days out in Eastern Massachusetts with my whole family. Special highlight was seeing my sister and brother who I had missed very much. We also enjoyed welcoming the new year with dear friends and family.
Enjoying Christmas with Family! (Mom is Behind the camera & Patience asleep... can you pick her out?) |
My New Year prayer for the African Lueken Clan and extended to all of you: That this year would give us a greater understanding of God's great love for us in our hearts and that heart knowledge would transform our lives. Praying that through God's Spirit, we could consider others better than ourselves, walking in Christ's Power that is working in us. (Phillipians 2:1-8). Thank you for the gift that each of you have been to us!
God bless you with His Love in this new year and as always,
Rubanga Kolu anyito(God be with you)!
~Jonathan and Joyce Lueken
Phone #: 774-203-8308
Mail checks payable to Jonathan and Joyce Lueken
PO Box 1611 Stockbridge, MA, 01262
Jonathan and Joyce Lueken
Roger and Pattty Lueken
PO Box 1611, 16 West Stockbridge Rd., Stockbridge, MA, 01262
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God's blessings to you Jon & Joyce and all the Luekwns!! Love you! Doomies