Monday, July 24, 2017

Announcing a Patience Delivery!

Ma'i anyi ra! (I welcome all of you)

    I am writing again after a long pause and thank all those who have been patiently waiting for a word from me (and of course pictures)! I have been a bit distracted from posting for obvious reasons, but finally have the opportunity to officially introduce the newest member of the Jonathan and Joyce Lueken family.

        Our hearts are full of thanks to God for Patience Rozana Lueken, 6lbs 13oz & 19 in, born at 1:05 PM on Sat. July 8. This day was the anniversary of the recent out break of civil war in So. Sudan last year, that contributed to all the delays & obstacles in getting Joyce here, that were overcome by God's mighty hand. Also, being the day before South Sudan Independence day.
       Our little Patience is a bundle of joy with a bunch of black hair reminiscent of my infant days (as can be seen by the photos). Her current favorite pastimes are eating, sleeping, and listening to music. :) Abi and Ada (grandpa and grandma) are thoroughly enjoying their new granddaughter, as well as Auntie Em.

           We are very thankful for the wonderful support team who stayed with us through it all, Hannah & Abijah Levi & Katherine Saunders,


and especially for our wonderfully caring and encouraging midwife, Shivani Lash!
      Another amazing blessing was for Joyce's Green Card to arrive the day that Patience was born! In 2 months time Joyce received her visa & became a legal permanent resident, on the day she delivered our baby (who is a US citizen).

  Joyce has been resting and recuperating from a long labor (43 hours), some tearing at delivery, and mild Anemia. She is still struggling with low energy and headaches so please continue to pray for full recovery. The good news is that she is slowly getting her energy back and even was able to get up and make some Lidi (African porridge.

    I have been doing a lot of cooking and helping Joyce take care of Patience the last two weeks. It has been a crash course in South Sudanese cooking as there are a lot of African dishes which Joyce prefers. My cooking repertoire has grown from beans and posho(boiled maze bread) to cabbage, greens, liver, fish, chicken, and porridge.
     It is a privilege to serve the woman who so often nursed me back to health through my various bouts of Malaria and Typhoid in Africa.  I am so blessed by the two very sweet gifts God has given me, my wife and daughter!

For those who have been asking about what they can get or what the baby needs: God has already abundantly provided (through many of you) more clothes and baby things than we could have imagined. Patience is very well outfitted in the clothes department and probably has an outfit for every day of the month! This abundance is wonderful, but will have to be paired down when we head back to Africa (by the end of 2018). If anyone has a desire to help out and give something, monetary gifts would be the most useful in meeting the current and changing needs exactly where they are, as Patience grows.

There is a lot ahead of us for which we greatly appreciate your prayers:

-I will be starting an online International Public Health intensive course through INMED ( on July 31st and thanking our mighty God for already providing the complete tuition fee and  the money to buy a laptop computer for the course and Joyce and I's family use! Please pray for wisdom as I begin this challenging course (with the help of Joyce) and be able to balance my family time with the demands of medical studies.

-The Lueken clan is in transition again (not just Joyce and I, but my father, mother and sister)! We found out that the owners of Maplewood B&B (my families current residence) have the wonderful opportunity to take in their aging mother, but only if they move into the B&B so that 4 generations can live & work together! A lot of prayer has gone into this by the owners and we also feel this is from the  Lord and are excited for them.
     This means that the operations of Maplewood B&B will be temporarily suspended & WE AS A FAMILY WILL BE MOVING ON BY EARLY SEPTEMBER. This was new information to us, but it certainly did not take God by surprise! Joyce and I are confident that God has a good plan for us and my family as the past record of God's faithfulness testifies.
"I have been young, &now am old,  I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread." Ps 37:25: 
 Please pray for God's leading and direction for our next residence within the next six weeks. The journey on God's trail continues and we look ahead to where He will lead us next. 

    -Transportation for Joyce and I has been something we have been praying for. God has blessed us and my parents with two donated vehicle, but all these and our current vehicles need multiple repairs and some of which are very costly. Pray for God's provision so that these vehicles can be in good working condition for the upcoming travelling and ministry sharing with all of you, that will commence this fall (once my course is completed in early Sept).

    -Continued prayers for an increase in Joyce and I's monthly support. The increase of living expenses in the USA (10 times that of Africa) and taking care of a newborn and nursing mother is raising the amount of needed funds on a monthly basis. Please join us in prayer as we look to the Lord to provide all we need to do His work!
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8

    We are so thankful for the many prayers and encouragement that is sent our way. We will continue to update you on what the Lord is doing in South Sudan and in our own lives

 Rubanga kike anyi kiza  i grasia to! (May God give all of you His Mercy and Grace)

His Servants,
Jonathan and Joyce and Patience Lueken
Our New Phone #: 774-203-8308

Operation Nehemiah Rebuilding the Republic of South Sudan from Bottom up, One family, 
and one village at a time, for Jesus

*To donate on the website scroll to the bottom- choose option #2
Then choose Paypal or credit card
Note: The recurring monthly option is being worked on and will be functional shortly.
Mail checks to:

Operation Nehemiah PO Box 502, Otis, MA 01253 

Operation Nehemiah Missions - Headquarters: 
PO Box 563 Lanesborough, MA, 01267  413-770-4711

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