- With heightened concerns because of the rumors of war and soldiers in the area, Jon said they have been gathering more often to pray as a family and as a community!!!!!
- With soldiers encamped nearby, they were hindered from going to the Farmland (5 miles away) to harvest. But one day the soldiers asked to borrow the dump truck to go to the there and instead of just loaning it, they took them there with a bunch of men from the village (Jon included) so they we able to harvest much to bring back. He said "It was an amazing day!"
- Jon has communicated that he sees the great need of a farmhouse on the farmland to monitor the work, to cut down on time wasted going the 5 miles to and from the farm, & to keep the produce safe from fire and others. Thus please keep the Farmhouse Project in your prayers. The brick production has been halted due to lack of needed materials, [William said: The hold up on brick production directed them to begin the work on the Farmhouse with the bricks they have produced. First leveling the area and transporting bricks to start the foundation.]
- Jon's been keeping busy and is just really “doing life with the people" and is "becoming a part of the community". His Madi (language) is improving and he is able to "understand some of the jokes & laugh with the people"
- Recently, all the soldiers pulled out of the area and before leaving they thanked those in the village for their support. The village gave them needed medicines, and the soldiers had asked for bibles. They were given solar radios tuned into the Gospel radio station and the last thing they gave the commander was a copy of William's book, THE BIBLE OR THE AXE, which validates all they have said about being a support to the government and the country for over the past 20 years!! Trusting the interactions with the soldiers has, by God's gracious Spirit, had a much greater impact than we could hope for.
- One Sunday Jon went to visit their sister church for service (an hours walk away). He was asked to share something with the people at church, but was not prepared. Later, he agreed to share from a scripture he had looked at in the morning Jer 9:23-24.
Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”
His thoughts that morning were realizing that those verses were a promise of God offering Himself to the people in the midst of their idolatry & sin. When he began to share at the service, he said "it was as if I had an outline". He shared about his own struggles with idols of exercise and how "I glory in my own strength & God uses typhoid and malaria to show me He is my strength." God so ministered to Him as he shared, he said it brought him to tears. The day before he wrestled with condemnation and God came through and forgave him and loved him. I cried to hear this. Thank you for remembering him in your prayers. God our, Good Shepherd is taking care of Jon beautifully.
For the past year Pastor Michael and the others from the village keep asking when we are coming & that they have been praying for us to come. For people who use to think money grows on trees here... they did not understand that we must wait on the Lord as they do. Jon says he so looks forward to having us there and gets choked at the thought.... so do I!
Thank you for your prayers. We just found out this week that we will be departing for South Sudan with the Levi’s on April 7th, Lord willing. So both families need your prayers, trusting the Lord to provide all we need in the next 6 weeks. Trying not to be overwhelmed & take it one day at a time. Asking Him to order our steps here and the work that must be done on the ground according to His priorities, through His timely provision, and equipping.
May His many blessings be seen by you and yours,
Roger & Patty Lueken & family
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