Sunday, November 22, 2015

Episode 16: A Savior for Soldiers

Ingoni! (Hello) Nichwi? (Are you well?)

       My family and I are excitedly preparing for returning to my beloved Borongole on November 29th! God provided so that our airfare is now booked and my family will be spending seven weeks on the ground, returning to America the 21st of January, while I stay on until late 2016.
     There is a lot of progress being made on the ground in South Sudan and I am excited to see the results when I get there. Among the developments is a septic system being put in the village, which will enable us to replace less sanitary pit latrines with toilets!

    Please pray for the remaining $4,500 needed for supplies, bills, travel expenses, and antivenom/venom extractor kits to take over with us.

   Some of you might have wondered, where the "Adventures in South Sudan" have gone? Or maybe that life is just so mellow in our part of Africa that there are no adventures to report! 
    Well, the fact is there have been numerous adventures, but the busyness of: bushwhacking in Africa, Getting cerebral malaria(and taking a three day nap), recovering, taking a missionary medical intensive course, and then a several week road trip, have not freed up the time for such chronicling.
     I am now making the valiant effort to resurrect the adventures(at least one) on my blog before I go to South Sudan to make more! I hope you enjoy.

    I have been reflecting on veterans this past week, and thinking of my family members who have or are serving. I have felt privileged that the military in this country was founded to protect its civilians. I use to take it for granted that if you saw someone in uniform, you knew they were living by an honorable code of conduct which governed (at least outwardly) their actions and behavior.

     Living in a foreign country, you come to realize that not all militaries have the same standards and often, circumstantially, are shaped to be less desirable. When a citizen of his native country gets beaten, by a soldier of that same country, for no reason and a court martial isn't forthcoming, there is room for concern! 

    In South Sudan, the villagers and city dwellers have this in common: They share a dread of both enemy rebel groups and the military that is supposed to be protecting them. The soldiers there have been known to hit first and ask questions later. As a citizen, you can be forced to feed and house any soldier that asks and often women are taken advantage of.

    Now, before you start throwing shoes and tomatoes in righteous indignation, spare your computer screen! It will help to step into the boots of these military men first. 

   Picture the years preceding this nation's independence: 
    A guerilla soldier hiding in the bush, fighting an Islamic force that outmans, outguns, outdrives, and outflies him and his motley crew of comrades. They perform hit and run techniques on a day or night basis, the ever present fear, that the next barrage of bullets will land where you are standing. His house and garden were burned to the ground years ago and the only thing that he owns are the clothes on his back.
      Fast forward to the independence of South Sudan(2011) . This under-resourced army has won their freedom to be their own nation. Those former dirt poor soldiers now have a regular salary, uniforms that people respect, a gun to back up their authority, and extra money which regularly flows through their hands. With no formal eduction or understanding of the responsibility to protect the people under there watch, how could they do anything, but take an unfair advantage of those under them?

     All these realities are true, but with the introduction of Jesus Christ, amazing changes take place.

 During the recent civil war within the S Sudan Government,  government troops were sent to our area to protect the main road from the threat of the opposing rebel forces cutting off the main transportation route. A whole division set up camp half a mile away and begin patrolling the area. Great fear and trepidation settled upon our community. Worries of being falsely accused, beaten, and the safety of the young women was at the forefront. People were to stay close to home and never be out beyond dark. 
 Our leadership team in Borongole felt a calling to do something which was insanity to everyone around us. God was calling us to help and show His love to our military. 
     This was done through: -Giving medicine to sick soldiers, -lending tools to work crews, -transportation with our vehicles, giving Bibles and solar radios, and friendly communication with the leaders and officers.

    As we did this a strange thing happened...... They became our friends! You know your on good terms when a high commander will come to your village in his off time to share a coke(yes, they do drink coke in Africa), or a meal and chat. We prayed that this friendship would be an opportunity to share the good news of Christ sacrifice for us. It turned out that God had a hidden blessing and would use this relationship as His divine intervention on behalf of the village and ministry.

   A month later a double trouble situation arose. 
    First a false accusation was made against locals in the area including  Senior Pastor Michael Levi.
    Second, another tribe began grazing their cows and trespassing on our farmland. The definition of a large herd of cattle is one that takes more than 15 minutes to completely pass by(not to mention totally trample any crops that were once growing!). Unfortunately, we couldn't tell these cattle raisers to get lost, because it is difficult to argue with someone carrying an AK-47. This particular tribe had a reputation for being very fierce (and armed) and was in the habit of stealing other's land.

    Some people were advising Pastor Michael to run away and save himself. We were told to resign ourselves to the fact that nothing would get the squatters off our land. 
    Instead of listening to this advice, we prayed. Pastor Michael and County Director Timothy, along with our compound manager and myself, went to the barracks in faith that God would work on our behalf. With the accusing article in hand, we laid out both cases before the high commanders. 
     In very short order, Michael's name was cleared from the false report and the intruding herdsman (with fore mentioned herd) were forced to leave. This incredible intervention was not lost on our neighbors, who asked,
   "Where do you get your power?"

   The answer is from the powerful hand of God, changing hearts and being glorified in it. Did I mention that in May, the Major in charge of the barracks called a prayer gathering to dedicate the military post to the Lord? Several churches were invited (including our congregation in Borongole) along with many governing officials from the area. I listened for two hours in amazement, as officers and officials exhorted the people to turn back to the Word of God for wisdom. Everyone was called on to pray to the Lord God for peace, amongst civillians and soldiers, and reconcilliation amongst the warring factions in South Sudan. A revival in the camp was being witnessed! Pastor Michael said that in all his years of living in South Sudan, he had never seen this happen before. A miracle indeed!!

"You pushed me violently, that I might fall,
But the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation...
 This was the Lord’s doing; 
It is marvelous in our eyes."
Psalm 118:13-14; 23

Rubanga kola nito (God be with you)!
~Jonathan Lueken with Operation Nehemiah  774-254-4336

Operation Nehemiah Missions website

To Donate on the website scroll to the bottom - Choose option #2 
Then choose PayPal or Credit card 
Note: one time or recurring/monthly option.
Mail checks to:
Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762

Operation Nehemiah Missions - Headquarters: 
PO Box 563 Lanesborough, MA, 01267  413-770-4711

Monday, June 29, 2015

God's Intervention in Our Lives

Thankful to be alive and writing to you all!

      Many of you may know of my recent illness and recovery, but I wanted to share a little of what God has done through it.                                                            

      Unexpected trials are places where we see our great need for God. In the last two weeks the Lord has brought me though sickness that was not expected, but it has served, by God’s grace, to draw myself and my family closer to Him. 

     I came down with sickness shortly after my arrival from Africa, which we thought was from fatigue and overwork. It became something much more serious, when my body succumbed to seizures and unconsciousness. Cerebral malaria had taken root in my brain. Early Monday morning to Wednesday found me unresponsive and my family processing the moment by moment changes.

 Day 1 & 2: Unresponsive

    During the days of coma I have no memories, but now I know that many prayers were offered up on my behalf from many dear friends, family and strangers. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that God touched my body. Cerebral malaria is a serious and often fatal disease. Many people don't wake up after going into a coma. If you ever have malaria, it is far better to be in Africa (where they deal with it in various forms on a daily basis). Malaria's foreign nature brings a big question mark when encountered in the USA. There is a higher percentage of Malaria fatalities per case in America than anywhere else in the world, due to its rarity. Praising God that I am not among that percentage and that I began to stir and open my eyes in the early morning hours of Wednesday!

Day 3: Waking up

    Waking up with a tube in your mouth and the inability to speak is not the most comfortable sensation, but I can testify that from the time I woke up my recovery was rapid. Just the next day I was eating solid food and took my first walk (with the help of a nurse and a walker). 

Day 4: First solid food
Day 4


On Friday I was supposed to be transferred for several days of acute rehab before returning home and these options were being discussed on that day.  The physical therapists were amazed that I took a walk without the walker and navigated a flight of stairs (through God's strength and healing). The outcome was that I was too healthy for Acute Rehab and was discharged on Friday the 19th! It truly was a gift to be returning home the day before my 25th Birthday!

Day 6: Home!!!
    It has been over a week since my stay in the hospital and as I have been recovering God has been teaching me a lot of lessons. Physically I am feeling a lot better and could say my health is back to 80%, but taking it easy is still in order.            
   Those who know me well are probably aware of my propensity for over-work and never wanting to rest. I have experienced what you would call a forced-rest and I have to admit it has been challenging. 
    This time of home recovery has been sometimes more difficult than sitting in my hospital bed because I feel good, but I can't DO the normal work or exercise that I am used to. In this, God has revealed to me how much I look to what I do, instead of Jesus! God's call has been this:
"You are my child, not because I saw exceptional qualities in you or because you serve Me, but because you were dying in sin and I love you. You are saved through the blood of My Son, not your work or efforts."
    I have had days full of faith and others days where doubt has clouded over my head. In all this I am being humbled and becoming more dependent on my Lord and Savior Jesus!

"O Lord, You brought my soul up from the grave;
You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit" 
Psalm 30:3

Thanking God to be back on my feet with family!
  Being in good health,  I have been given permission to travel by the doctors and started sharing testimonies of the work in South Sudan this past Sunday. If you have a church, small group, missions committee. or Bible study that would like me to come and share,  contact me at or call at (774) 254 4336. 

   My family and I are available to travel up through October (when I hope to return to South Sudan). Until then, I would love to be able to travel your way to thank you for your prayers in person and share more of what God is doing, so please let us know if you are interested!

Operation Nehemiah Missions
  Rebuilding the Family,  Church & Community In the Republic of South Sudan.
P.O. Box 2401 Plainville MA 02762 USA  Phone: 774-254-4336  
E-mail: PayPal

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Returning from Africa - a Quick update

Ingoni Everyone,

   This is Actually Jonathan here after spending six months in Borongole, South Sudan! I am so blessed and cannot begin to summarize all the amazing things that God is doing on the ground. In these past months I have seen:

~lives changed for Christ, 
~the Church and our leadership on the ground stand firm in the face of rumors of war and people running to Uganda
~multiple couples repenting and desiring to go about marriage in a Godly way,
~numerous varieties of vegetables, grains, and fruit trees planted in our farmland,
~walls rising out of what was once wilderness and will soon become the homestead in Beth Israel Farmland,
~an equipped ambulance operating out of our clinic, which has been saving lives through hospital transportation,
~the South Sudanese military turning to God and asking for His blessing and peace as they fulfill their duties,
~Our radio station (Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3) received an increase of power and an extended broadcasting range,
~discipleship going forward in lives of the families in our community,

   Thank you so much for your support of the mission and all of us on the ground in so many ways. All of you gave from your hearts and supported us so much, especially in prayer. Thank you so much and Rubanga koco tutu nya ruga(God bless you)!

    This is just a short glimpse of many things which God did since December of 2014. There is even more that I didn't include and will be sharing as time allows. You can look forward to more detailed updates and testimonies in the weeks to come.
     I will be here on the States side until October and am looking for opportunities to travel and share a first hand account in person. Please let me know if you would be interested in my family and I coming to your church, home, or another venue to share of God's hand in South Sudan.

Rubanga kola nito (God be with you)!
~Jonathan Lueken with Operation Nehemiah  774-254-4336

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Some wonderful weekly phone conversations w/ Jon in South Sudan

We've had some wonderful weekly phone conversations with Jon,  since Verizon changed its overseas long distance to $20 for 1000 free minutes per month!! Certainly God's provision for us!!  Overall he's doing well.   Each time we talk, he says he’s had some tough times & struggles, but even the struggles God has used for good. Here are some snippets of conversation with Jon over the past weeks…
  • With heightened concerns because of the rumors of war and soldiers in the area, Jon said they have been gathering more often to pray as a family and as a community!!!!!
  • With soldiers encamped nearby, they were hindered from going to the Farmland (5 miles away) to harvest.  But one day the soldiers asked to borrow the dump truck to go to the there and instead of just loaning it, they took them there with a bunch of men from the village (Jon included) so they we able to harvest much to bring back. He said "It was an amazing day!"
  • Jon has communicated that he sees the great need of a farmhouse on the farmland to monitor the work, to cut down on time wasted going the 5 miles to and from the farm, & to keep the produce safe from fire and others. Thus please keep the Farmhouse Project in your prayers. The brick production has been halted due to lack of needed materials, [William said: The hold up on brick production directed them to begin the        work on the Farmhouse with the bricks they have produced. First leveling the area and transporting bricks to start the foundation.] 
  • Jon's been keeping busy and is just really “doing life with the people" and is "becoming a part of the community". His Madi (language) is improving and he is able to "understand some of the jokes & laugh with the people" 
  • Recently, all the soldiers pulled out of the area and before leaving they thanked those in the village for their support. The village gave them needed medicines, and the soldiers had asked for bibles.  They were given solar radios tuned into the Gospel radio station and the last thing they gave the commander was a copy of William's book, THE BIBLE OR THE AXE, which validates all they have said about being a support to the government and the country for over the past 20 years!! Trusting the interactions with the soldiers has, by God's gracious Spirit, had a much greater impact than we could hope for.
  • One Sunday Jon went to visit their sister church for service (an hours walk away). He was asked to share something with the people at church, but was not prepared. Later, he agreed to share from a scripture he had looked at in the morning Jer 9:23-24. 
 Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”
His thoughts that morning were realizing that those verses were a promise of God offering Himself to the people in the midst of their idolatry & sin. When he began to share at the service, he said "it was as if I had an outline".  He shared about his own struggles with idols of exercise and how  "I glory in my own strength & God uses typhoid and malaria to show me He is my strength."  God so ministered to Him as he shared, he said it brought him to tears. The day before he wrestled with condemnation and God came through and forgave him and loved him. I cried to hear this.   Thank you for remembering him in your prayers. God our, Good Shepherd is taking care of Jon beautifully.

For the past year Pastor Michael and the others from the village keep asking when we are coming & that they have been  praying for us to come.  For people who use to think money grows on trees here... they did not understand that we must wait on the Lord as they do.  Jon says he so looks forward to having us there and gets choked at the thought.... so do I!

Thank you for your prayers. We just found out this week that we will be departing for South Sudan with the Levi’s on April 7th, Lord willing.   So both families need your prayers, trusting the Lord to provide all we need in the next 6 weeks. Trying not to be overwhelmed & take it one day at a time.   Asking Him to order our steps here and the work that must be done on the ground according to His priorities, through His timely provision, and equipping.

Soon we'll be posting on our blog a testimony of God's initial faithful provision!  Stay tuned!

May His many blessings be seen by you and yours,

Roger & Patty Lueken & family

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dec 2014 Update from the field in South Sudan

We’ve talked to Jon a few times by phone [only way we can reach him as there is no internet or mail system]. He is doing well & it has been so wonderful to hear about his Christmas, that consisted of celebrating at church, walking from hut to hut visiting with others and enjoying a meal of fresh beef (a treat for special occasions) & African (white) sweet potato.  He said he missed hearing the familiar carols, so he sang everyone he could think of at the top of his lungs!!

There have been rumors that are tempting people to flee since the end of November, but Operation Nehemiah's radio station is being used to encourage the people to REMEMBER how God called them back to this land in 2004, even before the cease fire in 2005; to REMEMBER how faithful God has been; and all He has done, & to resist the temptation to cut & run, but instead to stand their ground. The people in Madi Corridor are strategically & providentially placed by God right at the entrance of the Nile Valley into South Sudan from Uganda for a reason.  

The Gospel message has taken a hold there over the past 10 years as Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM Gospel radio station has broadcasted there.  The people in the region have received the Gospel; understood the consequences of war; are level-headed; & will not be dragged into any schemes of rebellion instigated by some few disgruntled tribal warlords without vision. For a month now there have been rumors of war breaking out any day, still nothing  has transpired… the battle is with fear of what may happen, but the people are beginning to figure out that they have nothing to fear, but fear itself, for He is Emmanuel, God with us.   It has been so pivotal to have Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 radio to encourage the people to stand therefore against fear that would cause them to flee and lose the ground God has given them.  In addition vital health information is shared on the air, such as information about water borne diseases,etc. taught on the radio by our health staff.   Local government officials use the station  to spread  critical security  information to the community.  We are currently raising the funds to set up a shortwave station to reach the entire Horn of Africa. 

Field director, Timothy, on the ground said that William’s 10 day visit to the village with his 12 year old daughter at a time when daily rumors of war were being spread, really meant a lot to the people in Borongole, because they did not have to come. He also said that leaving Jonathan there at a time when most westerners would be tempted to leave has strengthened their resolve to stay where God has called them. This really gripped our hearts and has brought us great joy!

Pray with us for the year ahead that God would supply all that is needed for us to continue to communicate the vision, via internet, snail mail (sending updates to those who do not have email), travel to conferences and wherever folks invite us to speak.  Roger & I are available to come to your home or church to share with a slide show the pictures of life in Borongole, South Sudan.

We are seriously praying about going over to South Sudan ourselves this spring during Jonathan’s 6 month stay.  It will be a miracle, but we have seen miracle after miracle of God’s provision!!! More to share in our next update. See some of the current needs below.
Thank you for your prayers,

Rubanga kola nito (God be with you)!

Jonathan & the Lueken family with Operation Nehemiah  774-254-4336
To Donate on the website scroll to the bottom - Choose option #2  Then choose PayPal or Credit card   
Note: one time or recurring/monthly option.
Mail checks to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762 

South Sudan is a new nation which God has miraculously rescued from the grip of Islamic Jihad in the 21st century.  Your support for Operation Nehemiah directly helps to halt  the encroachment of ISIS takeover in the heart of Africa, & reduces the influence of UN social engineering agenda.
Help us meet our  year end budget :
  1. $5000 - for well drilling.
  2. $3,500 for a grinding mill for the families of Borongole. GOD HAS PROVIDED FOR THIS NEED!
  3. $ 10,000 for shipment of  Dental clinic  equipment.
  4. $46,000 Matching gift towards   Beth  Israel farmhouse  construction.
  5. $ 20,000 matching gift towards Nehemiah short wave Radio  project.                                                               On Line tax deductible donations can be made at or send your check to
Operation Nehemiah Missions    PO Box 563 Lanesborough MA 01237
 In His grace,   William Levi, Founder and Overseer