During our trip, standing on Gordon Mountain for the first time was a very special moment for me. You have an almost 360 degree view of the surrounding countryside. This stunning view turns from a brownish gold in the dry season to a lush, dark green as the rains come. I looked down upon the spacious and winding banks of the Nile and saw the massive mountain peaks which decorate the border of South Sudan and Northern Uganda.
All of a sudden a realization hit me. The very ground on which I stood was a piece of history! Visiting that same hilly range in 1873 to 1880, you might have seen General Charles Gordon, looking glass in hand, observing everything in view from this his southern outpost. The devoted Christian and Governor of Sudan would have seen Africans fishing for Tullapi in the longest river & cows being grazed on the surrounding hills. Here also, the battle which stopped the Islamic forces from taking South Sudan in the recent Civil War was decided in the valley below.
As I took teams up and worked in surveying & fencing through March & April, the blessings of this property were very apparent. Good quality stone is scattered all over & will be used to construct all the buildings for the future conference center. This high point of the country is frequently visited by tourist taking in the view & is right off the only paved road in South Sudan. Nehemiah Lighthouse Conference Center will be seen by everyone entering South Sudan from Uganda. The beacon we intend to put up on our main conference building will symbolize a "City on a Hill", which we desire this place of discipleship to be.
On the same ground where physical battles have raged & enemies have been patrolled against, a spiritual battle is waging. The pastors who live & work in Nimule (the Border town that the mountain overlooks) have attested to the battle in the hearts of men there. WItchcraft & many forms of paganism are common. Please pray for our Brothers & Sisters in Christ & that Nehemiah Lighthouse is built to be a center of prayer & a training ground for the soldiers of the cross.
Surveying for our deep well begins in the next couple weeks! God is on the move and we appreciate your continued prayer as the project progresses. Already God has provided $8,000, which is 1/3 of the money needed for the well and we are believing God to provide the remainder so that we can begin construction by the end of the year. [THIS NEED REMAINS AS THE MEN OF THE VILLAGE CURRENTLY FOCUS ON THE NEW BRICK MAKING ENDEAVOR TO HELP REBUILD THEIR NATION. PRAYING FOR GOD’S PROVISION AT THE PERFECT TIMING AS HE LEADS STEP BY STEP, DAY BY DAY.]
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