Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Gift of Water on Gordon Mountain

Ingoni  mozi ((hello my friend)! 

   My heart is full of joy and thankfulness at this moment. Certainly, there is so much I can thank God for on a daily basis, Salvation through Christ Jesus and His Grace being top of the list. Today, however, I have specific answer to prayer which I would like to share with all of you!

   Since Aug - Sept of last year, myself and 6 other men have been living and working on Gordon Mountain, the location of our gospel radio station and Operation Nehemiah mission compound. Our great privilege and responsibility: to preach the gospel through the airwaves on a daily basis to South Sudan and Northern Uganda.

    The seven of us were also being encouraged as we encouraged others, studying, gathering for regular prayer, and group bible study.

    Life on Gordon Mt. required a Spartan lifestyle to a certain extent. It was beans for lunch and supper with a carbohydrate choice of either rice or posho(maize flour boiled bread). Next days menu: Repeat.

      The water used for washing, cooking, and bathing came directly from our next door neighbor, the Nile River. Drinking water was pumped at a borehole, two to three miles away and transported by motorcycle (two 20 liter jerry cans at a time) or car when available.


Gordon Mt. food staple
Dish Washing
The human washing machine

The limited water made plans for building residences for our families to stay with us very difficult. For a long time, there were seven of us with our nearest neighbors being the baboons.

One of our baboon friends, watching the sunrise.

While all that is changing now! Since April, a deep well had been dug at the base of Gordon and now it has been piped up to our compound where our staff are now enjoying fresh, clean water! This will pave the way for residences to be built and giving staff families the ability to live together on Gordon Mountain.

Please see William Levi's update below and at the bottom of his update, a few finishing touches needed to finalize this project!

Rubanga kolu nito (God be with you)!
~Jonathan and Joyce Lueken 
New Phone #: 774-203-8308
Operation Nehemiah Rebuilding the Republic of South Sudan from Bottom up, One family, 
and one village at a time, for Jesus
To Donate on the website scroll to the bottom - Choose option #2 
Then choose PayPal or Credit card 
Note: one time or recurring/monthly option.
Mail checks to:
Operation Nehemiah PO Box 502, Otis, MA 01253 
Contact us if there is any problem.

Operation Nehemiah Missions - Headquarters: 
PO Box 563 Lanesborough, MA, 01267  413-770-471