Hello Everyone,
My family and I arrived back home Monday evening (Sept. 1st) from a short, but very fruitful trip. I am standing at my computer right now and thinking about the amazing eight days God gave us on Prince Edward Island.
There were many opportunities to share about South Sudan among friends both old and new. I was able to give photo presentations and talk to larger groups and as well as with other families and one on one. One of the big highlights was sharing and working at the Free Church Summer camp at Camp Abegweit for a week. The Camp had made Operation Nehemiah it's camp project and gave a generous donation towards the ministry in South Sudan.
Working with many of our dear friends and interacting with the kids was a real blessing. My Dad was cooking in the kitchen for long days all week and Mom and Emma often jumped in as kitchen help. I was a Junior Counselor and had the blessing of getting involved in these children's lives and spending time with them, especially in the cabin at night. I had an opportunity to share my testimony with a small group, what God has been doing in my life, which was a time of being honest about my struggles and idols and my great need of Jesus Christ on a daily basis! A great bonus was the preaching throughout the week that was totally Gospel-centered and focused on the Cross of Christ, which was a great encouragement to hear.

The whole trip, though of short duration, was very blessed and our whole family left encouraged by all the connections which were made and renewed. One of the highlights was sharing with a small group of people in our friends home over dessert. It was more intimate and generated a lot of questions and good conversation.
I look forward to the next opportunity to return to PEI, to see more of our friends and give an update on all that God is accomplishing in South Sudan.
A big "ANJO PWOSI!" (Thank you very much!) to all our dear friends who hosted, housed, spent time with, and blessed us!
Appreciate your prayers as our family will be setting out in a couple weeks (around Sept. 20) for another ministry trip. This time it will be driving as far north as Minnesota and far west as Texas and possibly beyond, speaking and sharing wherever God opens the door. We are excited for new connections with people that will be made, as well as reconnecting with those whom we have known for awhile.
Please pray for God's provision for:
-A reliable & affordable vehicle (rental?) that will carry us cross country & back.
-Traveling expenses for spending a month or more on the road.
-Speaking engagements & opportunities to share about God's work in South Sudan, along the way.
-The Lord's leading & Divine Appointments wherever we go.
"A man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."
So if you're between New England and Texas and you would be willing to host a gathering of friends in your home or if could set something with your church or youth group, let us know and we will see if we could swing by your way!!
Thank you!
Rubanga kola nito (God be with you)!
~Jonathan Lueken with Operation Nehemiah 774-254-4336
Lueken's webpage:
Operation Nehemiah, PO Box 2401, Plainville, MA 02762
Operation Nehemiah Missions - Headquarters: 413-770-4711
PO Box 563 Lanesborough, MA, 01267